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这个游戏是莉莉丝工作室Game Jam大赛的作品,使用其特有的游戏开发引擎制作的作品。游戏复刻“明星大侦探”的玩法以及其第一季第一期的场景,是个单机游戏。玩家进入游戏可以随意探索,可以与一些物品互动获得线索,从而找出凶手。

The Game is the product of Lilith Studio's Game Jam competition, using its own Game development engine. The game copies "who's the murder" gameplay and its first season of the first period of the scene, is a stand-player game. Players enter the game and can explore at will, interacting with objects to gain clues to find the murder.

I mainly acted as a programmer in the team, but the actual requirements of the game demo were not very high. My main task is setting up the scene, including making the model of the required items. Most of the object models used in the scene came from the material library connected to the engine, and the mobile phone, window and briefcase were made by me.

Detective: 作品集
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